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Parish Council Meeting

The next meeting will be held on:


Wednesday 27th November 2024

starting at 8pm

Held in the Woburn Sands Town Council offices,

to the side of the Memorial Hall, High Street, Woburn Sands.

The agenda can be found here.

Parish Council Meetings are held in the Woburn Sands Town Council offices,

next to the Memorial Hall, 

High Street, Woburn Sands

All residents are invited to join each Parish Council meeting.    

Please contact the Clerk for any further information -


Weds 22nd January

Weds 26th February

Weds 26th March

Weds 23rd April (AGM - St Michael's Church)

Weds 21st May

Weds 25th June

Weds 23rd July

Weds 24th September

Weds 22nd October

Weds 26th November


The Parish Council have taken delivery of a new notice board which is now installed outside the church.

If you think there is any essential information missing from the board please let the Clerk know.


Thank you to everyone that responded to our Parking and Traffic Survey.  The results of the survey are attached here: Parking and Traffic Survey Results

The survey provides the views of residents and the following petition was sent to Central Beds Council for consideration:

Petition 1. Reduce the speed limit on Church Road from 30mph to 20mph

Petition 2. Paint double-yellow lines in locations A and B on the attached map to enforce the highway code guidelines on parking distances from junctions, and at location C to improve safety for residents exiting Narrow Path.

Petition 3. Move the “No Through Road” signs at the top and bottom of Sandy Lane closer to the junction with Church Road so that they are visible and place a No Parking sign at the South (top of hill) entrance to Sandy Lane to discourage visitors from parking across Sandy Lane and blocking Sandy Lane residents in their homes.

Petition 4. Reinstate the missing “No Through Road” sign on Silverbirches Lane.

At a CBC Traffic Management meeting the following was agreed:

Re: Petition 1. The Highways officer will provide a further report at a future traffic management meeting once this point has been investigated with a recommendation to findings in relation to the concerns raised relating to the speed of vehicles on Church Road.

Re: Petition 2. The Highways officer will investigate the provision of double yellow lines on Church road and carry out the necessary Statutory Consultation

Re: Petitions 3. And 4. Highways officers will review the location of the signage and adjust where possible.

We await further information from CBC.


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